Denis Baurain (born in 1975) is both a software engineer and a biologist. At the same time as he was taking his secondary education studies, he received a bachelor of software engineering (1994), then decided to study natural sciences. Over the course of his university curriculum at the ULg, he specialised in molecular genetics, first through a Master in Plant Biology (1997), then through a PhD funded by the FNRS (1998–2002), which focused on the mitochondria of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. After his PhD (2003), he received a second FNRS fellowship (2003–2007) to study the broad evolution of algae. During his post-doc, he travelled first to Australia (UQ, 2005) and then to Canada (UdeM, 2005–2006), where he learned phylogenomics. He thus switched definitively from the laboratory bench to the computer. In 2011, after four years as a senior bioinformatician working on animal genomics (GIGA, ULg), Denis Baurain returned to the Faculty of Science as an Assistant Professor in the Life Sciences department. Now Associate Professor, he is currently in charge of the Eukaryotic Phylogenomics unit, where research is focused on the large-scale reconstruction of relationships between living organisms.
University of Liège
Bât. B22, Eukaryotic Phylogenomics
Quartier Vallée 1
Chemin de la Vallée 4
B-4000 Liège 1