AGAMOUS | AG | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Single mutant: agamous single mutant has flower defects: the six stamens are replaced by six petals while carpels are replaced by a new mutant flower. [Yanofsky et al., 1990][Bowman et al., 1989][Irish et al., 1990][Bowman et al., 1991] Overexpressor: AGAMOUS overexpressor displays the same phenotype than the apetala2 single mutant: sepals are converted into ovule-bearing carpels. [Mizukami et al., 1992] | AT4G18960 | Mains targets of ABC(E)genesKinetics of ABC(E) genes expressionSpecification of flower mersitems | Yanofsky M F et al., 1990, NatureDrews G N et al., 1991, CellBowman J L et al., 1991, Plant CellMizukami Y et al., 1992, CellRiechmann J L et al., 1996, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.Lee H et al., 2000, Genes Dev.Lenhard M et al., 2001, CellLohmann J U et al., 2001, CellGómez-Mena C et al., 2005, DevelopmentGregis V et al., 2006, Plant Cell |
AGAMOUS-LIKE 42, FOREVER YOUNG FLOWER | AGL42, FYF | Flower development and meristem identity | Positive | SD and LD | Single mutant: agl42 single mutant does not display any flowering-time phenotype under LD conditions. However, agl42 is perhaps slightly late flowering under SD conditions, but additional experiments are recquired to confirm or invalidate this hypothesis. [Dorca-Fornell et al., 2011] Multiple mutant: The combination of agl42 null mutation with artifical microRNA knockdowns of both AGL71 and AGL72 leads to a late-flowering phenotype under both SD and LD conditions. Single mutant does not display any flowering-time phenotype. [Dorca-Fornell et al., 2011] | AT5G62165 | | Blakeslee J J et al., 2008, Plant Physiol.Hacham Y et al., 2011, DevelopmentDorca-Fornell C et al., 2011, Plant J.Chen M et al., 2011, Plant J. |
APETALA1 | AP1 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Single mutant: ap1 single mutant shows abnormal flower development: sepals are converted into bracts. [Irish et al., 1990] Overexpressor: AP1 overexpressor is early flowering and shows transformation of apical and lateral shoots into flowers. [Mandel et al., 1995] | AT1G69120 | OverviewTemperature pathwayAging pathwayPhotoperiod pathwaySugar pathwayMains targets of ABC(E)genesKinetics of ABC(E) genes expressionSpecification of flower mersitemsVernalization | Koornneef M et al., 1982, Mutat. Res.Irish V F et al., 1990, Plant CellMandel M A et al., 1992, NatureGustafson-Brown C et al., 1994, CellMandel M A et al., 1995, NatureMandel M A et al., 1995, Plant CellSimon R et al., 1996, NatureCho S et al., 1999, Plant Mol. Biol.Peña L et al., 2001, Nat. Biotechnol.Gregis V et al., 2009, Plant J.Han Y et al., 2014, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |
AGAMOUS-LIKE 71 | AGL71 | Flower development and meristem identity | Positive | SD and LD | Single mutant: agl71 single mutant does not display any flowering-time phenotype. [Dorca-Fornell et al., 2011] Multiple mutant: The combination of agl42 null mutation with an articificial microRNA knockdown of both AGL71 and AGL72 leads to a late-flowering phenotype under both SD and LD conditions. Single mutants does not display any flowering-time phenotype. [Dorca-Fornell et al., 2011] | AT5G51870 | | Helliwell C A et al., 2006, Plant J.Dorca-Fornell C et al., 2011, Plant J. |
AGAMOUS-LIKE 72 | AGL72 | Flower development and meristem identity | Positive | SD and LD | Single mutant: agl72 single mutant does not display any flowering-time phenotype. [Dorca-Fornell et al., 2011] Multiple mutant: The combination of agl42 null mutation with an articificial microRNA knockdown of both AGL71 and AGL72 leads to a late-flowering phenotype under both SD and LD conditions. Single mutants does not display any flowering-time phenotype. [Dorca-Fornell et al., 2011] | AT5G51860 | | Helliwell C A et al., 2006, Plant J.Dorca-Fornell C et al., 2011, Plant J. |
APETALA2 | AP2 | Flower development and meristem identity | Negative | SD and LD | Single mutant: ap2 single mutant is early flowering under both SD and LD conditions and shows abnormal flower development: sepals are converted into ovule-bearing carpels. [Bowman et al., 1989][Drews et al., 1991][ et al., ][Yant et al., 2010] Overexpressor: AP2 overexpressor is slightly late flowering under LD conditions.(No data available under SD conditions.)[Chen et al., 2004] Remarks: In weak ap2 mutants, sepals are homeotically transformed into leaves and petals are transformed into pollen-producing stamenoid organs. In strong ap2 mutants, sepals are transformed into ovule-bearing carpels, petal development is suppressed, the number of stamens is reduced, and carpel fusion is often defective. | AT4G36920 | Aging pathwayPhotoperiod pathwayTime-course regulation of photoperiodic pathwayMains targets of ABC(E)genesKinetics of ABC(E) genes expressionSpecification of flower mersitems | Bowman J L et al., 1989, Plant CellDrews G N et al., 1991, CellJack T et al., 1994, CellJofuku K D et al., 1994, Plant CellWeigel D et al., 1995, Plant CellWilson K et al., 1996, Plant CellOkamuro J K et al., 1997, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.Finkelstein R R et al., 1998, Plant CellAukerman M J et al., 2003, Plant CellChen X et al., 2004, Science |
APETALA3 | AP3 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Single mutant: ap3 single mutant shows abnormal flower development. [Bowman et al., 1989] Overexpressor: AP3o overexpressor shows abnormal flower development: carpels are converted into stamens. [Jack et al., 1994] | AT3G54340 | Mains targets of ABC(E)genesKinetics of ABC(E) genes expressionVernalization | Bowman J L et al., 1989, Plant CellSchultz E A et al., 1991, Plant CellBowman J L et al., 1991, DevelopmentJack T et al., 1992, CellKrizek B A et al., 1996, DevelopmentRiechmann J L et al., 1996, Nucleic Acids Res.Riechmann J L et al., 1997, Mol. Biol. CellHill T A et al., 1998, DevelopmentTilly J J et al., 1998, DevelopmentYang Y et al., 2003, Plant J.Zhao L et al., 2007, Plant J.Wuest S E et al., 2012, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |
AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 3 , ETTIN | ARF3, ETT | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Remarks: ARF3 is regulated by AP2 and confers floral meristem determinacy through repression of WUS expression. [Liu et al., 2014] Remarks: arf3 single mutant shows an accelerated transition from the juvenile to the adult phase. [Hunter et al., 2006] Single mutant: arf3 single mutant displays several flower defects, including an increased number of petals and sepals, as well as a decreased number of stamens and anthers. [Sessions et al., 1995][Sessions et al., 1997][ et al., ][Nemhauser et al., 2000] Remarks: Remarks | AT2G33860 | | Sessions R A et al., 1995, DevelopmentSessions A et al., 1997, DevelopmentNemhauser J L et al., 2000, DevelopmentHunter C et al., 2006, DevelopmentFahlgren N et al., 2006, Curr. Biol.Kelley D R et al., 2012, DevelopmentTantikanjana T et al., 2012, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.Cheng Z J et al., 2013, Plant Physiol.Liu X et al., 2014, Plant J. |
BLADE ON PETIOLE 1 | BOP1 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Single mutant: bop1 single mutant shows blade outgrowths along the adaxial side of cotyledon and rosette leaf petioles.[Ha et al., 2004][Ha et al., 2003] Multiple mutant: bop1;bop2 multiple mutant shows subtle defects in inflorescence and floral architecture and has synergistic effects with lfy and ap1 mutations. Overexpressor: BOP1 overexpressor has a compact stature and hyponastic leaves but does not display any floral defect.[Ha et al., 2007][Norberg et al., 2005][Khan et al., 2012] | AT3G57130 | | Ha C M et al., 2003, DevelopmentHa C M et al., 2004, Plant Cell Physiol.Norberg M et al., 2005, DevelopmentHa C M et al., 2007, Plant CellXu M et al., 2010, Plant J.Jun J H et al., 2010, Plant CellHa C M et al., 2010, GeneticsSaleh O et al., 2011, Plant J.Khan M et al., 2012, Plant Signal BehavCanet J V et al., 2012, BMC Plant Biol.Khan M et al., 2012, Plant Physiol. |
BLADE ON PETIOLE 2 | BOP2 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Multiple mutant: bop1;bop2 multiple mutant shows subtle defects in inflorescence and floral architecture and has synergistic effects with lfy and ap1 mutations. Overexpressor: BOP2 overexpressor has a compact stature and hyponastic leaves but does not display any floral defect.[Ha et al., 2007][Norberg et al., 2005][Khan et al., 2012] Single mutant: bop2-11 single mutant has normal rosette leaf morphogenesis but fequently forms fused inflorescences. [Ha et al., 2007] | AT2G40360 | | Norberg M et al., 2005, DevelopmentHa C M et al., 2007, Plant CellXu M et al., 2010, Plant J.Jun J H et al., 2010, Plant CellHa C M et al., 2010, GeneticsSaleh O et al., 2011, Plant J.Khan M et al., 2012, Plant Signal BehavCanet J V et al., 2012, BMC Plant Biol.Khan M et al., 2012, Plant Physiol. |
BRANCHED 1 , TCP DOMAIN PROTEIN 18 | BRC1, TCP18 | Flower development and meristem identity | Negative | LD [no data under SD] | Single mutant: After floral induction, brc1 single mutant develops more primary rosettes branches. No flowering-time phenotype described. [Aguilar-Martínez et al., 2007] Remarks: BRC1 interacts with FT and TSF to repress floral transitions of the axillary meristems. [Niwa et al., 2013] Overexpressor: Constitutive overexpression of BRC1 leads to pleiotropic defects while overexpression of BRC1 in the SAM leads to a late-flowering phenotype under both SD and LD conditions. ( Phenotype stronger under LD conditions.) [Niwa et al., 2013][Aguilar-Martínez et al., 2007] | AT3G18550 | Photoperiod pathwaySpecification of flower mersitems | Aguilar-Martínez J A et al., 2007, Plant CellPoza-Carrión C et al., 2007, Plant Signal BehavFinlayson S A et al., 2010, Plant Physiol.Niwa M et al., 2013, Plant CellGonzález-Grandío E et al., 2013, Plant Cell |
CAULIFLOWER | CAL | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Multiple mutant: cal mutation dramatically enhance the flower developmental defects of ap1 single mutants: each flower meristem is converted into an infloresence meristem. [ et al., ][Kempin et al., 1995] Single mutant: ag single mutant does not display any flower defects but produces more axillary inflorescences. Multiple mutant: ap1 ;cal ;ful multiple mutant does not flower. [Ferrándiz et al., 2000] | AT1G26310 | Specification of flower mersitems | Kempin S A et al., 1995, ScienceSmyth D R et al., 1995, Curr. Biol.Purugganan M D et al., 1998, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.Ferrándiz C et al., 2000, DevelopmentAlvarez-Buylla E R et al., 2006, J. Exp. Bot. |
HISTONE DEACETYLASE 1 , HISTONE DEACETYLASE 19, AtRPD3A | HDA1, HDA19, | Flower development and meristem identity | Positive | SD and LD | Remarks:Remarks Single mutant: hda1 single mutant display pleiotropic phenotype, including late flowering under both SD and LD conditions.[Tian et al., 2003] RNA interference : Lines overexpressing HDA1-antisense transcript display pleiotropic defects, including developmental defects and delayed flowering. [Wu et al., 2000] | AT4G38130 | | Wu K et al., 2000, Plant Mol. Biol.Tian L et al., 2001, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.Tian L et al., 2003, GeneticsZhou C et al., 2005, Plant CellFong P M et al., 2006, Cell Res.Benhamed M et al., 2006, Plant CellTanaka M et al., 2008, Plant Physiol.Kim K et al., 2008, Plant CellAlinsug M V et al., 2009, BMC Plant Biol.Krogan N T et al., 2012, DevelopmentChoi S et al., 2012, Plant J.Zhou Y et al., 2013, Plant CellPerrella G et al., 2013, Plant Cell |
HUA ENHANCER 3, CYCLIN-DEPENDENT KINASE E;1 | HEN3, CDKE;1 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Multiple mutant: hen3 mutation enhances the flower defects of the hua1;hua2 double mutant, leading to the same floral defects than agamous single mutant. [Cheng et al., 2003] Remarks: HEN3 protein interacts with LEUNIG and SEUSS to control AGAMOUS expression. [Gonzalez et al., 2007] | AT5G63610 | | Wang W et al., 2004, DevelopmentNg S et al., 2013, J. Biol. Chem. |
HUA ENHANCER 4 | HEN4 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Multiple mutant: hen4 mutation enhances the flower defects of the hua1;hua2 double mutant, leading to the same floral defects than agamous single mutant. [Cheng et al., 2003] Remarks: HEN4 is involved in the control of AG mRNA processing. [Cheng et al., 2003] | AT5G64390 | | Cheng Y et al., 2003, Dev. Cell |
ENHANCER OF AG-4 1 | HUA1 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Multiple mutant: hua1;hua2 multiple mutant shows developmental flower defects. [Li et al., 2001][Western et al., 2002][Chen et al., 1999][Cheng et al., 2003] Remarks: HUA1 is involved in the control of AGAMOUS mRNA processing. [Cheng et al., 2003] Single mutant: hua1 single mutant does not display any flowering-time phenotype and does not show any flower development defect. [Chen et al., 1999] | AT3G12680 | | Chen X et al., 1999, Mol. CellLi J et al., 2001, Plant CellCheng Y et al., 2003, Dev. Cell |
INNER NO OUTER | INO | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Remarks: ino single mutant shows ovule developmental defects. [Baker et al., 1997][Villanueva et al., 1999] Remarks: Remarks | AT1G23420 | Mains targets of ABC(E)genes | Baker S C et al., 1997, GeneticsVillanueva J M et al., 1999, Genes Dev.Meister R J et al., 2002, DevelopmentMeister R J et al., 2004, Plant J.Gallagher T L et al., 2008, Plant Physiol.Lora J et al., 2011, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.Simon M K et al., 2012, BMC Plant Biol. |
KNUCKLES | KNU | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Single mutant: knu single mutant does not display any flowering-time phenotype but shows temperature-dependent floral defects. knu single mutant has normal inflorescence at 16C but is male-sterile at 25C. [Payne et al., 2004] | AT5G14010 | | Payne T et al., 2004, DevelopmentSun B et al., 2009, Genes Dev.Sun B et al., 2014, Science |
LATE MERISTEM IDENTITY 1 , HOMEOBOX 51 | LMI1, HB51 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Multiple mutant: lmi1 mutation enhance the meristem identity defects of the weak lfy-10 allele but do not display any flowering-time phenotype. [Saddic et al., 2006] | AT5G03790 | | Saddic L A et al., 2006, DevelopmentGrandi V et al., 2012, Plant J. |
LATE MERISTEM IDENTITY2 , MYB DOMAIN PROTEIN 17 | LMI2, MYB17 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Single mutant: lmi2 single mutant display meristem developmental defects, leading to an increase of cauline leaves and secondary inflorescences .[Pastore et al., 2011] Multiple mutant: lmi2 mutation increases the phenotype of the weak leafy-10 mutant, thus phenocopying the lfy-1 null mutant. lmi2 mutation also increases the phenotype of the lfy-1 null mutant. [Pastore et al., 2011] Remarks: Some lmi2 mutants display a very subtle delay in flowering time under LD conditions. ( No data under SD conditions.) [Pastore et al., 2011] | AT3G61250 | | Pastore J J et al., 2011, Development |
LEUNIG | LUG | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Single mutant: leunig single mutant has homeotic defects in the two outer whorls of the flower. [Liu et al., 1995] Remarks: LEUNIG, together with SEUSS, regulates the expression of MIR172. LEUNIG and SEUSS were shown to interact both in vitro and in vivo. [Grigorova et al., 2011][Sridhar et al., 2004] Remarks: LEUNIG is required for the repression of AGAMOUS expression during flower development. [Liu et al., 1995] Multiple mutant: seuss;leunig double mutant shows enhanced homeotic floral defects. [Franks et al., 2002][Sridhar et al., 2004] | AT4G32551 | Mains targets of ABC(E)genes | Liu Z et al., 1995, DevelopmentSieburth L E et al., 1997, Plant CellChen C et al., 2000, GenesisConner J et al., 2000, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.Liu Z et al., 2000, Plant CellFranks R G et al., 2006, PlantaGonzalez D et al., 2007, Mol. Cell. Biol.Sitaraman J et al., 2008, Plant Physiol.Stahle M I et al., 2009, Plant CellGrigorova B et al., 2011, DevelopmentWalker M et al., 2011, Plant Physiol. |
PERIANTHIA , TGACG SEQUENCE-SPECIFIC BINDING PROTEIN 8 | PAN, TGA8 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Single mutant:Single mutant Overexpressor: Overexpressor Remarks: PAN overexpressor does not display any strong phenotype. [Chuang et al., 1999] Remarks: pan single mutant displays floral organ number defects. [Running et al., 1996] | AT1G68640 | Mains targets of ABC(E)genes | Running M P et al., 1996, DevelopmentChuang C F et al., 1999, Genes Dev.Maier A T et al., 2009, DevelopmentLi S et al., 2009, Plant CellDas P et al., 2009, DevelopmentWynn A N et al., 2014, Front Plant Sci |
PISTILLATA | PI | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Single mutant: pistillata single mutant shows homeotic conversion of petals into sepals and stamens into carpels.[Bowman et al., 1989][Bowman et al., 1991][Goto et al., 1994] Overexpressor: PISTILLATA overexpressor has carpeloid sepals. [Krizek et al., 1996][Yang et al., 2003][Riechmann et al., 1997] | AT5G20240 | Mains targets of ABC(E)genesKinetics of ABC(E) genes expression | Bowman J L et al., 1989, Plant CellGoto K et al., 1994, Genes Dev.Riechmann J L et al., 1996, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.Krizek B A et al., 1996, DevelopmentRiechmann J L et al., 1996, Nucleic Acids Res.Sablowski R W et al., 1998, CellKramer E M et al., 1998, GeneticsZhao L et al., 2007, Plant J.Wuest S E et al., 2012, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.Jetha K et al., 2014, Nucleic Acids Res. |
PENNYWISE , REPLUMLESS , BELLRINGER | PNY, RPL, BLR | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Multiple mutant: pnypny;pnf multiple mutant has a much longer plastochron and develops inflorescences that fails to produce flowers. [Smith et al., 2004] Single mutant: pny single mutant shows some inflorescence defects. [Smith et al., 2004] Remarks: Normal flower development of pnf;pny double mutant can be restored by either overexpressing LEAFY or suppress TFL1 expression. [Kanrar et al., 2008][Jaeger et al., 2013] | AT5G02030 | Mains targets of ABC(E)genes | Smith H M S et al., 2003, Plant CellSmith H M S et al., 2004, Curr. Biol.Kanrar S et al., 2008, Plant J.Ragni L et al., 2008, Plant CellKhan M et al., 2012, Plant Physiol. |
PICKLE , SUPPRESSOR OF SLR 2, CYTOKININ-HYPERSENSITIVE 2 | PKL, SSL2, CKH2 | Flower development and meristem identity | Positive | LD [no data under SD] | Single mutant: pkl single mutant displays multiple developmental defects, including abnormal root development, leaf defects, and delayed flowering. pkl single mutant displays embryonic defects after germination. [Ogas et al., 1999][Li et al., 2005][Ho et al., 2013] Remarks: Remarks | AT2G25170 | Mains targets of ABC(E)genes | Ogas J et al., 1999, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.Eshed Y et al., 1999, CellKubo M et al., 2000, Plant J.Li H et al., 2005, Plant J.Fukaki H et al., 2006, Plant J.Aichinger E et al., 2009, PLoS Genet.Furuta K et al., 2011, Plant Cell Physiol.Aichinger E et al., 2011, Plant CellZhang H et al., 2012, Plant Physiol.Ho K K et al., 2013, Biochim. Biophys. ActaJing Y et al., 2013, Plant Signal BehavJing Y et al., 2013, Plant Cell |
POUND-FOOLISH , BEL1-LIKE HOMEODOMAIN 8 | PNF, BLH8 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Multiple mutant: pny;pnf multiple mutant has a much longer plastochron and develops inflorescences that fails to produce flowers. [Smith et al., 2004] Single mutant: pnf single mutant does not display any phenotype. [Smith et al., 2004] Remarks: Normal flower development of pnf;pny double mutant can be restored by either overexpressing LEAFY or suppressing TFL1 expression. [Kanrar et al., 2008][Jaeger et al., 2013] | AT2G27990 | | Smith H M S et al., 2004, Curr. Biol.Kanrar S et al., 2008, Plant J.Yu L et al., 2009, PlantaUng N et al., 2011, Plant Physiol.Lal S et al., 2011, Mol Plant |
PETAL LOSS | PTL | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Single mutant:Single mutant Overexpressor: Overexpressor Remarks: ptl single mutant is characterized by a decreased number of petals. [Brewer et al., 2004] Remarks: Remarks | AT5G03680 | Mains targets of ABC(E)genes | Griffith M E et al., 1999, DevelopmentBrewer P B et al., 2004, DevelopmentLi X et al., 2008, Plant Mol. Biol.Lampugnani E R et al., 2012, Plant J.Kaplan-Levy R N et al., 2014, Plant J.OBrien M et al., 2015, J. Exp. Bot. |
SEPALLATA 2 | SEP2 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Multiple mutant: sep1;sep2;sep3 multiple mutant produces flowers in which all organs develop as sepals. [Pelaz et al., 2000] | AT3G02310 | Mains targets of ABC(E)genesKinetics of ABC(E) genes expression | Pelaz S et al., 2000, NaturePelaz S et al., 2001, Curr. Biol.Favaro R et al., 2003, Plant CellZahn L M et al., 2005, GeneticsJetha K et al., 2014, Nucleic Acids Res. |
SEPALLATA 3 | SEP3 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Multiple mutant: sep1;sep2;sep3 multiple mutant produces flowers in which all organs develop as sepals. [Pelaz et al., 2000] Overexpressor: SEP3 overexpression promotes the transformation of sepals and inflorescence meristems into carpeloid structures. [Castillejo et al., 2005] | AT1G24260 | Mains targets of ABC(E)genesKinetics of ABC(E) genes expressionSpecification of flower mersitemsVernalization | Ma H et al., 1991, Genes Dev.Pelaz S et al., 2000, NaturePelaz S et al., 2001, Curr. Biol.Honma T et al., 2001, NatureFavaro R et al., 2003, Plant CellZahn L M et al., 2005, GeneticsCastillejo C et al., 2005, Plant J.Kaufmann K et al., 2009, PLoS Biol.Jetha K et al., 2014, Nucleic Acids Res.Puranik S et al., 2014, Plant Cell |
STERILE APETALA | SAP | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Single mutant: sap single mutant shows flower architecture defects: sepals are carpelloid, petals are short and narrow or absent, and anthers are degenerated.[Byzova et al., 1999] | AT5G35770 | | Byzova M V et al., 1999, Genes Dev.Shatil-Cohen A et al., 2011, Plant J. |
SIN3 ASSOCIATED POLYPEPTIDE P18 | SAP18 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | artificial microRNA: Downregulation of SAP18 expression by an articificial microRNA enhances the aberrant floral morphology of the svp single mutant. [Liu et al., 2009] | AT2G45640 | | Song C et al., 2006, Plant Mol. Biol.Liu C et al., 2009, Dev. CellKagale S et al., 2011, Epigenetics |
SEPALLATA1 | SEP1 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Multiple mutant: sep1;sep2;sep3 multiple mutant produces flowers in which all organs develop as sepals. [Pelaz et al., 2000] | AT5G15800 | Mains targets of ABC(E)genesKinetics of ABC(E) genes expression | Ma H et al., 1991, Genes Dev.Fan H Y et al., 1997, Plant J.Pelaz S et al., 2000, NaturePelaz S et al., 2001, Curr. Biol.Favaro R et al., 2003, Plant CellZahn L M et al., 2005, Genetics |
SEPALLATA 4 | SEP4 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Multiple mutant: The floral organs of the sep1;sep2;sep3;sep4 multiple mutant are converted into leaf-like structures, enhancing the phenotype of sep1;sep2;sep3 triple mutant. [Ditta et al., 2004] Single mutant: sep4 single mutant does not display any floral defects. [Ditta et al., 2004] | AT2G03710 | Mains targets of ABC(E)genesKinetics of ABC(E) genes expression | Ma H et al., 1991, Genes Dev.Pelaz S et al., 2001, Curr. Biol.Favaro R et al., 2003, Plant CellDitta G et al., 2004, Curr. Biol.Zahn L M et al., 2005, GeneticsJetha K et al., 2014, Nucleic Acids Res. |
SEUSS | SEU | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Single mutant: seuss single mutant produces flowers with partial homeotic transformation of the two outer whorls. [Franks et al., 2002] Remarks: SEUSS, together with LEUNIG, regulates the expression of MIR172. LEUNIG and SEUSS were shown to interact both in vitro and in vivo. [Grigorova et al., 2011][Sridhar et al., 2004] Remarks: LEUNIG is required for the repression of AGAMOUS expression during flower development. [Liu et al., 1995] Multiple mutant: seuss;leunig double mutant shows enhanced homeotic floral defects. [Franks et al., 2002][Sridhar et al., 2004] | AT1G43850 | Mains targets of ABC(E)genes | Franks R G et al., 2002, DevelopmentSridhar V V et al., 2004, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.Franks R G et al., 2006, PlantaSridhar V V et al., 2006, DevelopmentBao F et al., 2010, Plant Physiol.Grigorova B et al., 2011, DevelopmentWynn A N et al., 2014, Front Plant SciLee J E et al., 2014, Plant J. |
SHATTERPROOF 1, AGAMOUS-LIKE 1 | SHP1, AGL1 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Multiple mutant: shp1;shp2 multiple mutant displays fruit developmental defects, such as abnormal valve margin and seed dehiscence. However, the ovule development is normal. [Liljegren et al., 2000] Remarks: Remarks | AT3G58780 | Mains targets of ABC(E)genes | Ma H et al., 1991, Genes Dev.Savidge B et al., 1995, Plant CellFlanagan C A et al., 1996, Plant J.Liljegren S J et al., 2000, NatureFavaro R et al., 2003, Plant CellBrambilla V et al., 2007, Plant CellColombo M et al., 2010, Dev. Biol.Losa A et al., 2010, Sex. Plant Reprod. |
SHATTERPROOF 2, AGAMOUS-LIKE 5 | SHP2, AGL5 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Multiple mutant: shp1;shp2 multiple mutant displays fruit developmental defects, such as abnormal valve margin and seed dehiscence. However, the ovule development is normal. [Liljegren et al., 2000] Remarks: Remarks | AT2G42830 | Mains targets of ABC(E)genes | Ma H et al., 1991, Genes Dev.Savidge B et al., 1995, Plant CellLiljegren S J et al., 2000, NatureFavaro R et al., 2003, Plant CellBrambilla V et al., 2007, Plant CellColombo M et al., 2010, Dev. Biol.Losa A et al., 2010, Sex. Plant Reprod. |
SPOROCYTELESS , NOZZLE | SPL, NZZ | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Single mutant:Single mutant Overexpressor: Overexpressor Remarks: nzz single mutant displays anthers and ovule developmental defects. [Schiefthaler et al., 1999] Remarks: Remarks | AT4G27330 | Mains targets of ABC(E)genes | Schiefthaler U et al., 1999, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.Yang W C et al., 1999, Genes Dev.Balasubramanian S et al., 2000, DevelopmentBalasubramanian S et al., 2002, DevelopmentSieber P et al., 2004, Plant Physiol.Ito T et al., 2004, NatureLi L et al., 2008, New Phytol.Liu X et al., 2009, Plant Physiol.Bencivenga S et al., 2012, Plant CellChen G et al., 2014, J Genet GenomicsYuan L et al., 2015, Cell Res.Wei B et al., 2015, Cell Res. |
SUPERMAN , FLORAL DEFECTIVE 10 | SUP, FLO10 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Single mutant:Single mutant Overexpressor: Overexpressor Remarks: sup single mutant has extra stamens. [Bowman et al., 1992] Remarks: Overexpression of SUP leads to multiple developmental defects, including dwarfism. [Hiratsu et al., 2002] | AT3G23130 | Mains targets of ABC(E)genes | Schultz E A et al., 1991, Plant CellBowman J L et al., 1992, DevelopmentGaiser J C et al., 1995, Plant CellSakai H et al., 1995, NatureJacobsen S E et al., 1997, ScienceHuang H et al., 1998, Plant CellRohde A et al., 1999, Plant Cell Physiol.Sakai H et al., 2000, Plant CellMeister R J et al., 2002, DevelopmentHiratsu K et al., 2002, FEBS Lett.Yun J et al., 2002, Plant Cell Physiol.Nibau C et al., 2011, J. Exp. Bot.Malgieri G et al., 2011, Biopolymers |
SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE 8 | SPL8 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Remarks: SPL8 seems to be involved in GA signaling. [Zhang et al., 2007] Single mutant: spl8 single mutant does not display any flowering-time phenotype. [Unte et al., 2003] Remarks: spl8 single mutant shows altered pollen sac development. [Unte et al., 2003] | AT1G02065 | | Unte U S et al., 2003, Plant CellZhang Y et al., 2007, Plant Mol. Biol.Xing S et al., 2010, Plant CellXing S et al., 2013, Plant J. |
SHOOT MERISTEMLESS, SHOOTLESS, WALDMEISTER 1 | STM, SHL, WAM1 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Single mutant: stm single mutant lacks an embryonic shoot meristem. They also display different shoot apical mersitem defects throughout their life cycle. [ et al., ][Clark et al., 1996] Overexpressor: The overexpression of STM leads to the development of ectopic meristems and leaf developmental defects. [ et al., ][Gallois et al., 2002][Lenhard et al., 2002] | AT1G62360 | | Clark S E et al., 1996, DevelopmentLong J A et al., 1996, NatureEndrizzi K et al., 1996, Plant J.Rupp H M et al., 1999, Plant J.Aida M et al., 1999, DevelopmentLenhard M et al., 2002, DevelopmentBhatt A M et al., 2004, GeneUchida N et al., 2007, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.Smith H M S et al., 2011, J. Exp. Bot.Scofield S et al., 2013, Plant J.Liebsch D et al., 2014, DevelopmentAguilar-Martínez J A et al., 2015, Plant Physiol. |
TERMINAL FLOWER1 | TFL1 | Flower development and meristem identity | Negative | SD and LD | Single mutant: tfl1 single mutant is early flowering under both SD and LD conditions. Overexpressor: TFL1 overexpressor is late flowering under both SD and LD conditions. [ et al., ][Kardailsky et al., 1999][Kobayashi et al., 1999] Remarks: tfl1 single mutant has less lateral inflorescence primordia and the shoot apical meristem is converted into a terminal flower meristem. [ et al., ][Shannon et al., 1993][Shannon et al., 1991] | AT5G03840 | Specification of flower mersitems | Shannon S et al., 1991, Plant CellShannon S et al., 1993, Plant CellBradley D et al., 1997, ScienceKobayashi Y et al., 1999, ScienceLiljegren S J et al., 1999, Plant CellHanzawa Y et al., 2005, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.Ho W W H et al., 2014, Plant Cell |
UNUSUAL FLORAL ORGANS | UFO | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Overexpressor: UFO overexpression causes several floral defects, including supernumerary petals and stamens. [Lee et al., 1997]Remarks: UFO is an upstream regulator of AP3 expression and is therefore involved in floral meristem determinacy.[Lee et al., 1997] Single mutant: ufo single mutant has multiple floral defects. [Levin et al., 1995][Wilkinson et al., 1995][Ingram et al., 1995][Samach et al., 1999] | AT1G30950 | Mains targets of ABC(E)genes | Wilkinson M D et al., 1995, Plant CellLevin J Z et al., 1995, Plant CellIngram G C et al., 1995, Plant CellLee I et al., 1997, Curr. Biol.Zhao D et al., 1999, Dev. Genet.Samach A et al., 1999, Plant J.Zhao D et al., 2001, DevelopmentHepworth S R et al., 2006, PlantaKusters E et al., 2015, Development |
ULTRAPETALA1 | ULT1 | Flower development and meristem identity | Positive | SD only | Single mutant: ult1 single mutant is slightly late flowering under SD conditions only. [Pu et al., 2013] Overexpressor: Overexpression of ULT1 leads to early flowering. ( No available data about growth conditions.) [Carles et al., 2009] Remarks: ult1 single mutant produces flowers that contain more floral organs and whorls than wild-type plants. ULT1 overexpressor has pleiotropic defects, including short stature, increased branch outgrowth, and prematurely terminating inflorescence meristems. [Fletcher et al., 2001][Carles et al., 2004] Multiple mutant: ult1;ult2 double mutant produces inflorescences bearing more flowers than either single mutants. [Monfared et al., 2013] | AT4G28190 | Mains targets of ABC(E)genes | Fletcher J C et al., 2001, DevelopmentCarles C C et al., 2004, GeneticsPrunet N et al., 2008, Plant CellCarles C C et al., 2009, Genes Dev.Monfared M M et al., 2013, Mol PlantPu L et al., 2013, Plant Physiol.Pires H R et al., 2014, Plant CellEngelhorn J et al., 2014, Ann. Bot. |
ULTRAPETALA2 | ULT2 | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Single mutant: ult2 single mutant does not display any flowering-time phenotype.[Monfared et al., 2013] Multiple mutant: ult1;ult2 double mutant produces inflorescences bearing more flowers than either single mutants. [Monfared et al., 2013] Remarks: ult2 single mutant does not display any flower development defects. [Monfared et al., 2013] Overexpressor: ULT2 overexpressor shows pleiotropic defects, including small rosettes, early flowering under continous light, and prematurely terminating inflorescence meristems. [Monfared et al., 2013] | AT2G20825 | | Monfared M M et al., 2013, Mol Plant |
WUSCHEL | WUS | Flower development and meristem identity | | None | Remarks: The WUSCHEL protein plays a central role in the maintenance of stem cell populations in shoot and floral meristems. [Laux et al., 1996][Mayer et al., 1998] Single mutant: In wus single mutant, the mesitem is quickly consumed, which leads to the development of inclomplete flowers. [Mayer et al., 1998] Overexpressor: Ectopic expression of WUS is sufficient to convert cells in organ promordia. [Schoof et al., 2000][Gallois et al., 2004] | AT2G17950 | Mains targets of ABC(E)genes | Laux T et al., 1996, DevelopmentMayer K F et al., 1998, CellSchoof H et al., 2000, CellLenhard M et al., 2001, CellLenhard M et al., 2002, DevelopmentZuo J et al., 2002, Plant J.Gallois J et al., 2002, DevelopmentBertrand C et al., 2003, J. Biol. Chem.Gallois J et al., 2004, Genes Dev.Bäurle I et al., 2005, Plant CellKwon C S et al., 2005, Genes Dev.Ikeda M et al., 2009, Plant CellYadav R K et al., 2010, DevelopmentYadav R K et al., 2011, Genes Dev.Liu X et al., 2011, Plant Cell |
XAANTAL2, AGAMOUS-LIKE 14 | XAL2, AGL14 | Flower development and meristem identity | Positive | SD only | Overexpressor: XAL2 overexpressor is early flowering under both SD and LD conditions. [Pérez-Ruiz et al., 2015] Single mutant: xal2 single mutant is late flowering under SD conditions only. [Pérez-Ruiz et al., 2015] Remarks: XAL2 overexpression leads to the development of flowers with vegetative traits that overexpress LFY, AP1, and TFL1. XAL2 is thus important for the floral meristem maintenance and determinacy. [Pérez-Ruiz et al., 2015] Remarks: Loss- and gain-of-function phenotypes are similar to the ones of agl24 and soc1. [Pérez-Ruiz et al., 2015] | AT4G11880 | Specification of flower mersitems | Tapia-López R et al., 2008, Plant Physiol.Garay-Arroyo A et al., 2013, EMBO J.Pérez-Ruiz R V et al., 2015, Mol Plant |