List of publications | Reviews for 'autonomous'

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Authors Title Journal Year Volume Pages Link
Jarillo J A, Piñeiro M, H2A.Z mediates different aspects of chromatin function and modulates flowering responses in Arabidopsis.Plant J.20158396-109View article
Ietswaart R, Wu Z, Dean C, Flowering time control: another window to the connection between antisense RNA and chromatin.Trends Genet.201228445-53View article
Holec S, Berger F, Polycomb group complexes mediate developmental transitions in plants.Plant Physiol.201215835-43View article
He Y, Chromatin regulation of flowering.Trends Plant Sci.201217556-62View article
Amasino R M, Michaels S D, The timing of flowering.Plant Physiol.2010154516-20View article
Simpson G G, The autonomous pathway: epigenetic and post-transcriptional gene regulation in the control of Arabidopsis flowering time.Curr. Opin. Plant Biol.20047570-4View article