List of publications | Reviews for 'clock'

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Authors Title Journal Year Volume Pages Link
Johansson M, Staiger D, Time to flower: interplay between photoperiod and the circadian clock.J. Exp. Bot.201566719-30View article
Hsu P Y, Harmer S L, Wheels within wheels: the plant circadian system.Trends Plant Sci.201419240-9View article
Farré E M, The regulation of plant growth by the circadian clock.Plant Biol (Stuttg)201214401-10View article
Nagel D H, Kay S A, Complexity in the wiring and regulation of plant circadian networks.Curr. Biol.201222R648-57View article
Song Y H, Ito S, Imaizumi T, Similarities in the circadian clock and photoperiodism in plants.Curr. Opin. Plant Biol.201013594-603View article
Imaizumi T, Arabidopsis circadian clock and photoperiodism: time to think about location.Curr. Opin. Plant Biol.20101383-9View article