List of publications | Reviews for 'sugar'

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Authors Title Journal Year Volume Pages Link
Yu S, Lian H, Plant developmental transitions: the role of microRNAs and sugars.Curr. Opin. Plant Biol.2015271-7View article
Lunn J E, Delorge I, Figueroa C M, Van Dijck P, Stitt M, Trehalose metabolism in plants.Plant J.201479544-67View article
Tsai A Y, Gazzarrini S, Trehalose-6-phosphate and SnRK1 kinases in plant development and signaling: the emerging picture.Front Plant Sci20145119View article
Bolouri Moghaddam M R, Van den Ende W, Sugars, the clock and transition to flowering.Front Plant Sci2013422View article