List of publications | Reviews for 'temperature'

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Authors Title Journal Year Volume Pages Link
Capovilla G, Schmid M, Posé D, Control of flowering by ambient temperature.J. Exp. Bot.20156659-69View article
Liu J, Feng L, Li J, He Z, Genetic and epigenetic control of plant heat responses.Front Plant Sci20156267View article
Verhage L, Angenent G C, Immink R G H, Research on floral timing by ambient temperature comes into blossom.Trends Plant Sci.201419583-91View article
Song Y H, Ito S, Imaizumi T, Flowering time regulation: photoperiod- and temperature-sensing in leaves.Trends Plant Sci.201318575-83View article
Wigge P A, Ambient temperature signalling in plants.Curr. Opin. Plant Biol.201316661-6View article