Detailed gene information

Genes [306]

TAIR: AT1G43850


Franks R G et al., 2002, Development
Sridhar V V et al., 2004, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
Sridhar V V et al., 2006, Development
Franks R G et al., 2006, Planta
Bao F et al., 2010, Plant Physiol.
Grigorova B et al., 2011, Development
Wynn A N et al., 2014, Front Plant Sci
Lee J E et al., 2014, Plant J.

Appears in the following schemes

Mains targets of ABC(E)genes

Protein function

Encodes a transcription factor involved in the repression of the C class floral homeotic genes.


Single mutant:
seuss single mutant produces flowers with partial homeotic transformation of the two outer whorls. [Franks et al., 2002]

Multiple mutant:
seuss;leunig double mutant shows enhanced homeotic floral defects. [Franks et al., 2002][Sridhar et al., 2004]

LEUNIG is required for the repression of AGAMOUS expression during flower development. [Liu et al., 1995]

SEUSS, together with LEUNIG, regulates the expression of MIR172. LEUNIG and SEUSS were shown to interact both in vitro and in vivo. [Grigorova et al., 2011][Sridhar et al., 2004]

DNA-binding adapter subunit of the SEU-LUG transcriptional corepressor of the C class floral homeotic gene AGAMOUS during the early stages of floral meristem development. Is part of the A class cadastral complex that define the boundaries between the A and C class homeotic genes expression and function. Interacts together with APETALA2 and LEUNIG to repress AGAMOUS expression. In association with LUG, regulates petal shape through AGAMOUS-independent mechanisms. Controls cell division during petal development and enable the proper patterning of petal blade vasculature. Required for the proper elaboration of petal polarity along the adaxial/abaxial axis. May act through direct or indirect regulation of PHABULOSA and YAB1 and thus regulate cellular proliferation within the developing petal blade. In association with AINTEGUMENTA (ANT), coordinates patterning cues and cellular proliferation along the three positional axes of the developing gynoecium. Required for the development of the medial ridge and subsequent ovule initiation. [Data from UniProt]

Regulators, targets and interactors

Downstream actors

AG -- [Conner et al., 2000][Sridhar et al., 2006][Kaufmann et al., 2009][Franks et al., 2002] -- [View TAIR record]

Upstream actors

Protein-protein interactions

SEP3 -- [Sridhar et al., 2006] -- [View TAIR record]

AP1 -- [Sridhar et al., 2006] -- [View TAIR record]

LUG -- [Sridhar et al., 2006] -- [View TAIR record]

SEP3 -- [Conner et al., 2000][Sridhar et al., 2006][Franks et al., 2002] -- [View TAIR record]

AP1 -- [Conner et al., 2000][Sridhar et al., 2006][Smaczniak et al., 2012][Franks et al., 2002] -- [View TAIR record]

SEU interaction network

Downstream and upstream flowering-related genes

Physical interactions with other flowering-related proteins