Protein function
Encodes a class I knotted-like homeodomain protein invovled in the control of shoot apical meristem functions.
Single mutant: stm single mutant lacks an embryonic shoot meristem. They also display different shoot apical meristem defects throughout their life cycle.
[Clark et al., 1996] Overexpressor: The overexpression of
STM leads to the development of ectopic meristems and leaf developmental defects.
[Lenhard et al., 2002][Gallois et al., 2002] Function:Required for shoot apical meristem (SAM) formation during embryogenesis. Negatively regulates ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 (AS2 or LBD6). Probably binds to the DNA sequence 5 -TGAC-3 .
[Data from UniProt]
Regulators, targets and interactors
Downstream actors
causality SOC1, AGL20 --
[López-González et al., 2014] --
[View TAIR record] Upstream actors
Protein-protein interactions