Single mutant: After floral induction, brc1 single mutant develops more primary rosettes branches. No flowering-time phenotype described. [Aguilar-Martü¾™†”¼nez et al., 2007]Remarks: BRC1 interacts with FT and TSF to repress floral transitions of the axillary meristems. [Niwa et al., 2013]Overexpressor: Constitutive overexpression of BRC1 leads to pleiotropic defects while overexpression of BRC1 in the SAM leads to a late-flowering phenotype under both SD and LD conditions. ( Phenotype stronger under LD conditions.) [Niwa et al., 2013][Aguilar-Martü¾™†”¼nez et al., 2007]Function:Transcription factor that prevents axillary bud outgrowth and delays early axillary bud development. Indirectly required for the auxin-induced control of apical dominance. [Data from UniProt]