Protein function
Encodes a component of the plant homeodomain-polycomb repressive complex 2 (PHD-PRC2).
Remarks: vrn5 mutation suppresses the Col
FRI responsiveness to vernalization.
[Sung et al., 2006][Greb et al., 2007] Single mutant: vrn5 single mutant is late flowering under SD conditions only. ( Analysis performed in the Col-0 background.)
[Sung et al., 2006][Greb et al., 2007] Remarks: VRN5 promotes flowering under SD through the repression of
FLM expression.
[Sung et al., 2006] Function:Involved in both the vernalization and photoperiod pathways by regulating expression of the related floral repressors FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) and FLOWERING LOCUS M (FLM). Together with VIN3, required during vernalization for the modifications of FLC and FLM chromatin that are associated with an epigenetically silenced state (e.g. chromatin modifications, histone deacetylation, and trimethylated H3 Lys-4 H3K4me3 and Lys-27 H3K27me3) and with acquisition of competence to flower. Promotes flowering in short days (SD=8 hours light/16 hours dark). Associates dynamically at FLC locus; during vernalization, binds to specific sites, but when in warm conditions, distributed along the whole locus.
[Data from UniProt]
Regulators, targets and interactors
Downstream actors
Upstream actors
Protein-protein interactions
FIE1, FIS3 --
[De Lucia et al., 2008] --
[View TAIR record]SWN --
[De Lucia et al., 2008] --
[View TAIR record]VRN2 --
[De Lucia et al., 2008] --
[View TAIR record]VIL2, VEL1 --
[De Lucia et al., 2008] --
[View TAIR record]VIN3 --
[De Lucia et al., 2008][Sung et al., 2006] --
[View TAIR record]MSI1 --
[De Lucia et al., 2008] --
[View TAIR record]