Protein function
Encodes a MADS-box transcription factor.
Remarks: XAL2 overexpression leads to the development of flowers with vegetative traits that overexpress
AP1, and
TFL1. XAL2 is thus important for the floral meristem maintenance and determinacy.
[Pü¾Ž–”¼rez-Ruü¾™†”¼z et al., 2015] Overexpressor: XAL2 overexpressor is early flowering under both SD and LD conditions.
[Pü¾Ž–”¼rez-Ruü¾™†”¼z et al., 2015] Single mutant: xal2 single mutant is late flowering under SD conditions only.
[Pü¾Ž–”¼rez-Ruü¾™†”¼z et al., 2015] Remarks: Loss- and gain-of-function phenotypes are similar to the ones of
agl24 and
[Pü¾Ž–”¼rez-Ruü¾™†”¼z et al., 2015] Function:Transcriptional activator that regulates root development by controlling meristem size and patterning of the root apical meristem. Regulates auxin transport and gradients in the root meristematic cells via direct regulation of the auxin efflux carrier PIN1 and PIN4 gene expression. Binds specifically to the CArG-box DNA sequences in the promoter regions of PIN1 and PIN4 genes (PubMed:24121311). Involved in the regulation of shoot apical meristem (SAM) cell identities and transitions. Promotes flowering transition and participates in flower meristem maintenance and determinacy. Positively regulates TFL1 and WUS expression. Binds directly to the TFL1 regulatory sequences (PubMed:25636918).
[Data from UniProt]
Regulators, targets and interactors
Downstream actors
causality TFL1 --
[Prez-Ruz et al., 2015] --
[View TAIR record] Upstream actors
Protein-protein interactions