Protein function
Encodes a transcription factor from the phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein (PEBP) family.
Overexpressor: TFL1 overexpressor is late flowering under both SD and LD conditions.
[Kardailsky et al., 1999][Kobayashi et al., 1999] Remarks: tfl1 single mutant has less lateral inflorescence primordia and the shoot apical meristem is converted into a terminal meristem.
[Shannon et al., 1991][Shannon et al., 1993] Single mutant: tfl1 single mutant is early flowering under both SD and LD conditions.
[Shannon et al., 1991][Bradley et al., 1997] Function:Controls inflorescence meristem identity and is required for maintenance of a indeterminate inflorescence. Prevents the expression of APETALA1 and LEAFY . Also plays a role in the regulation of the time of flowering in the long-day flowering pathway. May form complexes with phosphorylated ligands by interfering with kinases and their effectors (By similarity).
[Data from UniProt]
Regulators, targets and interactors
Downstream actors
causality LFY --
[Ratcliffe et al., 1999] --
[View TAIR record]AP1 --
[Ratcliffe et al., 1999] --
[View TAIR record] Upstream actors
causality XAL2, AGL14 --
[Pérez-Ruíz et al., 2015] --
[View TAIR record]BAF60, CHC1 --
[Sacharowski et al., 2015] --
[View TAIR record]AP1 --
[Kaufmann et al., 2010] --
[View TAIR record]LFY --
[Winter et al., 2011][Parcy et al., 2002] --
[View TAIR record] Protein-protein interactions
FD --
[Hanano et al., 2011][Jaeger et al., 2013][Wigge et al., 2005] --
[View TAIR record]