Protein function
Encodes a repressor of UV-B photomorphogenesis.
Remarks: co mutation supresses the early-flowering phenotype of
efo2 single mutant.
EFO2 expression is circadian clock-regulated.
[Wang et al., 2011] Multiple mutant: efo1;
efo2 multiple mutant shows additive effects on multiple developmental aspects (rosette size, hypocotyl length, etc.), but not flowering time.
efo2 multiple mutant flowers later than
efo2 single mutant.
[Wang et al., 2011] Overexpressor: EFO2 overexpressor is early flowering under both SD and LD conditions.
[Wang et al., 2011] Single mutant: efo2 single mutant is early flowering under SD conditions.
[Wang et al., 2011] Function:Functions in association with RUP1 as repressor of UV-B-induced photomorphogenesis mediated by UVR8 and HY5. Plays a crucial negative feedback regulatory role downstream of UVR8-COP1 to inhibit UVR8 function, balance UV-B-specific responses and ensure normal plant growth. Is involved in the regulation of photoperiodic flowering and vegetative development. May act as negative regulator of photoperiodic flowering by suppressing flowering through the action of CONSTANS (CO) and FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT).
[Data from UniProt]
Regulators, targets and interactors
Downstream actors
causality CO --
[Wang et al., 2011] --
[View TAIR record] Upstream actors
Protein-protein interactions